Together with Fodder + Farm we are hosting a harvest dinner and film screening on Friday the 17th of November, 2023 .
Join us in an evening celebrating local good food.
We will start the evening with a seasonal local meal led by head chef Lucy Pattinson, that includes veg from us! After this we will show ‘In our Hands’, a film from the Landworkers Alliance highlighting the power of small farms and end with by a brief talk and Q&A session, enabling community members to learn about local veg and cut flower production at Upper Ballaird Farm Coop.
It is our goal to support the health and well-being of the community and environment through food, flowers, and outdoor services, produced and sold by empowered workers with regenerative livelihoods.
Agroecology is at the core of everything we do Upper Ballaird Farm, as such we do not use pesticides or herbicides. Enhancing biodiversity is an integral part of how we produce food and cut flowers. Working with natural systems is what farming is all about so we do everything we can to regenerate the farm environment. It also means that we work to tackle food poverty in the local community whilst at the same time striving to pay landworkers a living wage. Within our current and broken food system, these are not simple endeavours.
We are on a long term journey to empower people in Stirlingshire to take control over where their food comes from and how it is produced. Enhancing Stirlings resilience to changes in climate and disruptions in global food supply chains are side effects of the work we do. Right now, we do everything we can to make it easier for people to choose local and sustainably produced vegetables and cut flowers over their industrially produced counterparts.
We want to see a fairer food system; fairer for communities, growers and the environment.
Fodder+Farm, Port of Menteith, is a collaboration between private chef Lucy Pattinson and smallholders Kat Goldin and Kevin Harrison at Gartur Stitch Farm, Port of Menteith.
Through their shared vision and collaboration, Lucy, Kat, and Kevin have created Fodder + Farm as a platform for people to connect with their food, the land, and each other. By offering these experiences, Fodder + Farm hopes to inspire a new generation of conscious food and craft lovers who are passionate about sustainability. Guests will have the opportunity to learn about the entire food journey, from farm to table, and discover the importance of supporting local food systems and sustainable practices.
“We want people to be part of the story of their food – not just consumers. Getting hands on with how things are grown and made, and gaining traditional skills that work in busy, modern lives.”- Kat
In Our Hands
“In Our Hands explores a quiet revolution that is transforming the way our food is produced and distributed. Our current industrial food system is a vast and wheezing giant that is only upheld by a stilted subsidy regime that pays out to landowners and leaves many farmers by the wayside.
But from the hedge-rows and by-roads, the fields and furrows can now be heard the stirring of change! Stories from the global South have inspired farmers and food workers in our snug little island, with the idea of food sovereignty and a global movement to take back control of the food system.
From the grazier reviving the art of pasture, to the grower erecting a poly-tunnel in the heart of East London or the farmer saving a handful of ancient grain, a new agricultural landscape is emerging. Here rural traditions meet modern innovations in a new food system that will bring back life to the soil, a fair wage to the farmer and a flavour to the tomato!
Throughout the tumultuous summer of the Brexit referendum the Landworkers’ Alliance joined forces with two film-makers, to unearth the farms and faces that are making this change happen.”
Harvest Dinner + Film Screening
Friday the 17th of November, 2023, 18:30 – 21:55.
Tickets £10.
Together with Fodder + Farm we are hosting a harvest dinner and film screening on Friday the 17th of November, 2023 .
Join us in an evening celebrating local good food.
We will start the evening with a seasonal local meal led by head chef Lucy Pattinson, that includes veg from us! After this we will show ‘In our Hands’, a film from the Landworkers Alliance highlighting the power of small farms and end with by a brief talk and Q&A session, enabling community members to learn about local veg and cut flower production at Upper Ballaird Farm Coop.
It is our goal to support the health and well-being of the community and environment through food, flowers, and outdoor services, produced and sold by empowered workers with regenerative livelihoods.
Agroecology is at the core of everything we do Upper Ballaird Farm, as such we do not use pesticides or herbicides. Enhancing biodiversity is an integral part of how we produce food and cut flowers. Working with natural systems is what farming is all about so we do everything we can to regenerate the farm environment. It also means that we work to tackle food poverty in the local community whilst at the same time striving to pay landworkers a living wage. Within our current and broken food system, these are not simple endeavours.
We are on a long term journey to empower people in Stirlingshire to take control over where their food comes from and how it is produced. Enhancing Stirlings resilience to changes in climate and disruptions in global food supply chains are side effects of the work we do. Right now, we do everything we can to make it easier for people to choose local and sustainably produced vegetables and cut flowers over their industrially produced counterparts.
We want to see a fairer food system; fairer for communities, growers and the environment.
Fodder+Farm, Port of Menteith, is a collaboration between private chef Lucy Pattinson and smallholders Kat Goldin and Kevin Harrison at Gartur Stitch Farm, Port of Menteith.
Through their shared vision and collaboration, Lucy, Kat, and Kevin have created Fodder + Farm as a platform for people to connect with their food, the land, and each other. By offering these experiences, Fodder + Farm hopes to inspire a new generation of conscious food and craft lovers who are passionate about sustainability. Guests will have the opportunity to learn about the entire food journey, from farm to table, and discover the importance of supporting local food systems and sustainable practices.
“We want people to be part of the story of their food – not just consumers. Getting hands on with how things are grown and made, and gaining traditional skills that work in busy, modern lives.”- Kat
In Our Hands
“In Our Hands explores a quiet revolution that is transforming the way our food is produced and distributed. Our current industrial food system is a vast and wheezing giant that is only upheld by a stilted subsidy regime that pays out to landowners and leaves many farmers by the wayside.
But from the hedge-rows and by-roads, the fields and furrows can now be heard the stirring of change! Stories from the global South have inspired farmers and food workers in our snug little island, with the idea of food sovereignty and a global movement to take back control of the food system.
From the grazier reviving the art of pasture, to the grower erecting a poly-tunnel in the heart of East London or the farmer saving a handful of ancient grain, a new agricultural landscape is emerging. Here rural traditions meet modern innovations in a new food system that will bring back life to the soil, a fair wage to the farmer and a flavour to the tomato!
Throughout the tumultuous summer of the Brexit referendum the Landworkers’ Alliance joined forces with two film-makers, to unearth the farms and faces that are making this change happen.”
Black Bark Films and The Land Workers Alliance. 2018.
Big Thanks
We are able to hold this event thanks to sponsorship and support provided by;
The Landworkers’ Alliance
Forth Environment Link
Fodder + Farm