9:30am Arrival at the farm
10am Welcome introductions
10:30am Your space and goals: supporting you to find a realistic starting point
11:30am Tour of the market garden @ Upper Ballaird Farm Coop
12:30pm Lunch
13:30pm Introduction to Soil and Plant health
14:30pm Practice: Bed preparation, seeding, planting, caring, harvesting.
16:30pm End/departure
Growing your own fruit and vegetables is an incredibly rewarding experience. Digging up your own potatoes or harvesting your first tomato are moments that are hard to beat. Extensive research supports what allotment holders and home growers have known for centuries: enjoying the fruits of your labour is not only delicious but also healthy and deeply connects us with nature.
This course is designed for those just starting out. In this day-long course, we ensure that your first steps into growing are just the beginning of your journey. You’ll be introduced to the basics of organic vegetable and fruit growing, guided on how to maximise your available space (from window boxes to kitchen gardens), and taught about soil and plant health. The day includes a tea break, a light lunch, and a tour of the farm, all covered in the course fee.
If you are a CSA member then you will receive a 15% discount for the course. Please email us: upperballaird@farmcoop.scot to book into the course.
Outline and booking
Date TBA
Next opportunity to join:
‘Grow your own: for beginners’
Click ‘pay with card’ to book your tickets
Course payment
Payments for UBF courses
9:30am Arrival at the farm
10am Welcome introductions
10:30am Your space and goals: supporting you to find a realistic starting point
11:30am Tour of the market garden @ Upper Ballaird Farm Coop
12:30pm Lunch
13:30pm Introduction to Soil and Plant health
14:30pm Practice: Bed preparation, seeding, planting, caring, harvesting.
16:30pm End/departure